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07 DECEMBER 2022
RCMP 150th Anniversary Watch – Initiative of the RCMP Foundation
NOTE: Information is being distributed to our membership on behalf of the RCMP Foundation.
Please find attached two documents pertaining to this initiative of the RCMP Foundation.
Introductory email
Informative brochure
The watch is being crafted by Christopher Ward. The company, founded in 2004, was the world’s first online premium watch brand.
If you are interested in this item, please see the brochure for contact information.
Surveillance du 150e anniversaire de la GRC – Initiative de la Fondation de la GRC
Note: L’information est distribuée à nos membres au nom de la Fondation de la GRC.
Veuillez trouver ci-joint deux documents relatifs à cette initiative de la Fondation de la GRC.
Courriel de présentation
Brochure informative
La montre est fabriquée par Christopher Ward. La société, fondée en 2004, a été la première marque de montres haut de gamme en ligne au monde.
Si cet article vous intéresse, veuillez consulter la brochure pour obtenir les coordonnées.
24 NOVEMBER 2022
Recruiting for Ottawa Division
RCMP Veterans’ Association, Executive 2023
Recrutement pour l’Association des vétérans de la GRC,
Division d’Ottawa, Exécutif 2023
21 NOVEMBER 2022
Changes to Associate Members Dues 2023
Over the past number of months, the Executive of the Ottawa Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association have been studying the amount charged for dues, collected from Associate Members. As per 2.04, Associate Member definition in the Association by-laws;
Changements aux cotisations des membres associés 2023
Au cours des derniers mois, l’Exécutif de la Division d’Ottawa de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC a étudié le montant des cotisations prélevées auprès des membres associés. Conformément à la section 2.04, définition des membres associés dans les règlements de l’Association;
17 NOVEMBER 2022
Following the last two years’ success of Project “Adopt-a-Village”, we are happy to announce the village selected this year is BLACK LAKE, SASKATCHEWAN
Le projet « Adoptez un village » ayant remporté un franc succès ces deux dernières années, nous sommes heureux de le reconduire. Cette année, le village retenu est… Black Lake, en Saskatchewan
07 NOVEMBER 2022
Attached a guide to
the benefits and services
available through Veterans Affairs
Canada that support Veterans to
remain independent in their own
Veuillez trouver ci-joint un guide
sur les avantages et les services
offerts par Anciens Combattants
Canada qui aident les vétérans à
demeurer autonomes chez eux.
01 NOVEMBER 2022
Dear colleagues,
Every year, in the lead up to Remembrance Day, we mark Veterans’ Week from November 5 to 11. As Canadians, we have a duty to remember and honour the sacrifices of all those who have served our country in times of war, military conflict and peace.
Chers collègues,
Chaque année, lors de la période qui précède le jour du Souvenir, nous soulignons la Semaine des vétérans du 5 au 11 novembre. En tant que Canadiens, nous avons le devoir de nous souvenir des sacrifices de toutes les personnes qui ont servi notre pays en temps de guerre, de conflit militaire et de paix, et de leur rendre hommage.
30 OCTOBER 2022
Ukrainian Mother and Daughter looking for a helping hand
My kind hearted daughter, who lives just South of Kemptville, volunteered to sponsor a Ukrainian family in order to help them escape the dreadful war in their home country. She was finally matched with Yana, a 39-year-old mother, and Kira, her 17-year-old daughter
20 OCTOBER 2022
Death of Cst. Shaelyn (Tzu-Hsin) Yang, Reg #66231
Earlier, with profound sadness, our RCMP Veterans’ Association acknowledged the on-duty death of Cst. Shaelyn (Tzu-Hsin) Yang, Reg # 66231, in Burnaby, B.C. on October 18, 2022.
Décès de la gend. Shaelyn (Tzu-Hsin) Yang, matr. 66231
Tout à l’heure, votre Association des vétérans de la GRC a reconnu avec une profonde tristesse le décès du gend. Shaelyn (Tzu-Hsin) Yang, rég. 66231, à Burnaby, en Colombie-Britannique, le 18 octobre 2022.
14 OCTOBER 2022
With the recent “Message from the Association President, October 2022” you have no doubt read that the Association dues will be increasing by $5.00 for 2023, 2024 and 2025. DETAILS CLICK HERE
Avec le récent « Message du président de l’Association, octobre 2022 », vous avez sans doute lu que les cotisations de l’Association augmenteront de 5 $ en 2023, 2024 et 2025. POUR PLUS DE DÉTAILS, CLIQUEZ ICI
08 September 2022 NEW
Passing of Queen Elizabeth II –
Letter from President Sandy Glenn to Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon, ON, GCMG, CD, KSt. J. … See Details
08 September 2022
“F” Division – Exchange of communications between President Sandy Glenn and the CO “F” Division – Major criminal investigation this past week ……………. See Details
04 September 2022
WHAT: RGM (Regular General Meeting)
WHEN: 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 @ 7:00PM
AFTER A TWO-YEAR ABSENCE, your executive has arranged for a Regular General Meeting to be held Tuesday, 13 September at the General Mess, RCMP HQ Leiken at 7:00PM. Come along and bring your friends and colleagues.
Further details will follow later this week by Division Bulletin.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Wayne A. Jacquard, President
Ottawa Division
15 August 2022
09 AUGUST 2022
At long last — a PSHCP deal is coming
Dear members,
After more than 2 1/2 years of negotiations to renew the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP), I’m pleased to share that the National Association of Federal Retirees (Federal Retirees), serving as pensioner representative, together with federal union colleagues on the PSHCP Partners Committee, have reached a deal with the Treasury Board Secretariat.
The Federal Retirees team approached these negotiations with resolve and placed your needs and demands first. With improvements ranging from acupuncture to vision care, we are confident this PSHCP deal will benefit all our members.
The plan enhancements and changes will mean dollars saved for all members and will contribute directly to better health and well-being for you, your partners and spouses and your dependents.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and support over the last 2 1/2 years. The PSHCP negotiations have been lengthy and challenging, and the trust you placed in this Association enabled us to approach this process with the tenacity and determination required for a successful outcome.
The renewed plan is scheduled to take effect July 1, 2023, and the deal is subject to approval by the Treasury Board, which is expected over the coming weeks. You can read more about the PSHCP renewal on our website and can expect further updates from Federal Retirees as the changes roll out.
Anthony Pizzino, CEO
National Association of Federal Retirees
88 confirmed – full registration achieved THANK YOU !!
21 July 2022
RCMP Veterans’ Association Ottawa Division Annual Golf Tournament
Best Ball Format Shot gun
Tee Off 1:00 pm
Monday, August 29th, 2022
Hylands Golf Club
2101 Alert Road, Ottawa, Ontario
29 June 2022
The RCMP Veterans Association, Ottawa Division is happy to promote this Long Island Campground Family Fun Day
La Division d’Ottawa de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC est heureuse de promouvoir cette journée de familial au terrain de camping Long Island.
FREE ADMISSION- FREE PARKING- FREE EVENTS (*BBQ, canteen/raffle draw available at extra cost)
Come to the Friends of Long Island Camp Opening Family Fun Day. This is your opportunity to see your beautiful camp, become a member, and create amazing memories with your family!
When: Saturday July 9th, 2022 (11am-5pm)
Where: 415 Nicholls Island Road- Manotick Ontario
Time: 11am-5pm
(*BBQ, cantine et tirage au sort disponibles à un coût supplémentaire)
Venez à la journée d’ouverture du camp Friends of Long Island. C’est l’occasion de découvrir votre magnifique camp, de devenir membre et de créer des souvenirs inoubliables avec votre famille
Quand: Saturday July 9th, 2022 (11am-5pm)
Où: 415 Nicholls Island Road- Manotick Ontario
Heure: 11am-5pm
24 MAY 2022
Last Post / Dernière Sonnerie
Suzanne Sarault Public Service Employee (Retired) PSE #12752 1953 – 2022 Postings: HQ Division RCMP Veterans’ Association Member Ottawa Division Suzanne Sarault Employée de la fonction publique (retraitée) PSE #12752 1953 – 2022 Affectations : Division de l’AC Membre de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC Division d’Ottawa |
11 MAY 2022
Oldest RCMP veteran laid to rest in Iroquois, Ont.
A funeral service was held Thursday south of Ottawa for a former RCMP officer who retired nearly five decades ago. Along with him, a unique part of RCMP history was also laid to rest.
At the small St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church in Iroquois, Ont., a large legacy remembered, after retired RCMP Sgt. George William (Bill) Fridgen passed away on May 11 at the age of 105.
“One-hundred and five years, that many times around the sun, oh my goodness,” Fridgen’s grandson Phill Snel said.
Fridgen’s career with the RCMP took him through three provinces from 1941 to 1974, but it was his badge number that made him a sort of celebrity.
“He’s confirmed to be the oldest living veteran until he passed away, but he also had a very old service number, 13967, beginning with a one,” Snel said.
His grandson noted Fridgen would draw a crowd of on-duty RCMP officers when he would visit Parliament Hill, being known as a ‘One’.
“Now they start with a six,” Snel said. “So to give you some perspective, over something like, 50,000 police officers have gone through the RCMP since that time. It’s an incredible number.”
“There was an email sent when dad turned 100,” Fridgen’s daughter Lynda Turner remembered. “This RCMP constable wrote, ‘I have the exact same number as you do, but I have a 5 instead of a one.'”
Bill Fridgen passed away on May 11 at the age of 105. Fridgen served as an RCMP officer from 1941 to 1974. (Courtesy/Phill Snel)
His service on Thursday was celebrated by an RCMP honour guard with full flags and decorations. Senator and former RCMP commissioner Bev Busson also read a statement of memoriam for Fridgen in the senate on May 19.
“(He had) such a rich life, a wonderful man, pillar of the community,” Snel said. “He’s done so much for the community here but also through his life of service with the RCMP and his brief career with the Royal Canadian Navy.”
Fridgen moved to the Iroquois area in the mid-70s and settled on a farm, still mobile and spry up until he passed.
He even bought a new car at the age of 96, surprising the salesman at the dealership.
“They said, ‘How long of a lease would you like sir?’ because he was pretty old, and he said give me a four year lease, that will take me to 100,” Snel smiled.
“So at 100, he got to go back and buyout his lease and in fact on his 100th birthday he drove me to his own birthday party,” he added.
“He drove until after he was 100 years old,” his daughter said, but had to give up his licence shortly after.
“He was aware that he was forgetting, all of the sudden ‘Where am I? Why am I here?” Turner said. “I mean people my age have that feeling sometimes!”
Bill Fridgen driving his grandson to his 100th birthday party in his car. (Courtesy: Phill Snel)
The family says they will continue to share the multiple stories he loved to tell, like the time he and his partner busted some moonshiners in PEI.
“His partner nervously crept up from the grass with his gun and said ‘OK jigs, the boys is up!'” Snel laughed. “He was so excited he mixed it up!”
Snel noted he also had encounters with royalty and world leaders, including U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower in what turned out to be a black op secret assignment.
“(It was) to guard the president overnight on a fishing trip, plain clothes, unarmed, in a lake in Québec,” Snel said. “Grampa had never been able to find written proof that that had happened, so if anybody has grandparents who remembers seeing the U.S. president and an RCMP float plane from that fishing trip, reach out, that would be great to hear!”
Turner says he will be remembered as a great family man, and community pillar.
“After he had passed away, one of the nurses at St. Lawrence Lodge said, ‘Was he a good parent?’, and I said yes definitely, he was a good parent,” his daughter said.
“It’s sad, but we’re here to celebrate such a long life,” Snel added. “Blessed with such a great life of good health, wonderful family and really, it’s an amazing celebration of life today.”
A funeral was held in Iroquois, Ont. on Thursday for retired RCMP Sgt. George William Fridgen, who died on May 11 at the age of 105.
15 APRIL 2022
Recently, members of the Association were victims of a fraud and attempted fraud involving cell phone numbers requesting e-transfers.
Date: April 15, 2022 Subject: Urgent Message – Scams / Fraud Awareness Divisional Presidents: The following information was received from Stewart Kingdon, Treasurer of the RCMP Veterans’ Association Saskatoon Division. The Executive of the Veterans Association Saskatoon Division have shared this important notice with their membership. The information is being forwarded to all Divisional Presidents so that the information can be shared with your membership. Recently, members of the Association were victims of a fraud and attempted fraud involving cell phone numbers requesting e-transfers. We wish to remind our membership to be extra diligent when receiving a text message and/or email message from a person who they think they know, requesting an e-transfer. One of our members has already been victimized in the amount of $1,900. You may think you know the person, but this is a reminder to check with the person before taking any transfer action. Date: 15 avril 2022 Objet: Message urgent – Escroqueries / Sensibilisation à la fraude Présidents de division : Les renseignements suivants ont été reçus de Stewart Kingdon, trésorier de la Division de Saskatoon de l’Association des anciens de la GRC. L’exécutif de la division de Saskatoon de l’Association des vétérans a fait part de cet important avis à ses membres. L’information est transmise à tous les présidents de division afin qu’elle puisse être partagée avec vos membres. Récemment, des membres de l’Association ont été victimes d’une fraude et d’une tentative de fraude impliquant des numéros de téléphone cellulaire demandant des virements électroniques. Nous souhaitons rappeler à nos membres d’être très diligents lorsqu’ils reçoivent un message texte et / ou un message électronique d’une personne qu’ils pensent connaître, demandant un transfert électronique. Un de nos membres a déjà été victime d’un montant de 1900 $. Vous pensez peut-être connaître la personne, mais il s’agit d’un rappel de vérifier auprès de la personne avant de prendre toute mesure de transfert. |
01 APRIL 2022
Each month, Salute! newsletter provides news about:
You will also see stories about today’s Veterans, their challenges and successes, and how they contribute to their communities after leaving the military.
CLICK HERE to access on line monthly publications
April 2022 is now available !!
16 March 2022
31 MARCH 2022 – 7>10pm
10 March 2022
This is a reminder that you are invited to complete Veterans Affairs Canada’s survey on how veterans prefer to learn about and access government programs and services. If you have already completed the survey, no further action is required, and we thank you for your feedback. The following message is being sent to former RCMP members of the National Association of Federal Retirees on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. Did you serve in the RCMP? Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) needs your help reaching veterans who do not receive VAC benefits and services. The department is surveying the veteran community on how they prefer to learn about and access government programs and services. They’re looking for former RCMP members, family members and caregivers. This feedback will help VAC reach and serve more Veterans. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. It is being conducted on VAC’s behalf by the independent Canadian research firm, EKOS Research Associates Inc. Please visit the EKOS Research website for more information and to participate. A French-language version of the survey is available here. Participation is voluntary and your responses and personal information are confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act. Your responses are anonymous; they are not kept or shared with VAC, and will not have any impact on the benefits or services you receive or may receive in the future. We kindly ask that you share this information with your network. Thank you for your assistance! |
National Association of Federal Retirees 865 Shefford Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 1H9 T | 1.855.304.4700 F | 613.745.5457 |
02 March 2022
Temporary changes to the Treatment Benefits program to reimburse the purchase of PPE for qualified VAC recipients.
The following information was provided by VAC, in response to a question from an RCMP Veteran who has a VAC Disability Pension. The question concerned the temporary change to the Treatment Benefits Program.
CLICK HERE for more details.
17 February 2022
On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division held a Division Executive Meeting. At the culmination of the meeting there was a discussion about how policing was being affected within the Ottawa area
From this dialogue a letter was prepared and was sent to the Director General, National Headquarters, the Acting Commanding Officer, National Division, with a copy to the RCMP Veterans’ Association President. The letter was under RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division letterhead, signed by myself and contained the following;
“During these times of turmoil and conflict in our greater community of the National Capital Region, the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division, at the Division Executive Meeting held on February 16, 2022, openly discussed the policing challenges that are presently being faced.
The Associations purpose clearly articulates the following;
“The RCMP Veterans’ Association is a dedicated family of former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The members of the Association possess shared life experiences and unique skills and abilities that are reflected in all we do for the greater good of our membership and all of the RCMP family. We are proud of our career contributions in the preservation of peace and security of Canada and our role in the rich history and traditions of the Force. Together we are stronger and we welcome you to become a member of the venerated family of Veterans.”
In line with this overarching Association purpose, Ottawa Division further defines itself by;
“The Ottawa Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is comprised of retired regular members (police officers), civilian members and public servants who live mainly in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. Consistent with the objectives of the Association, your Ottawa Division is committed to acting in accordance with its “three C’s”, those being;
CARE: We take care of one another.
CONNECT: We reach out to the RCMP and the broader police community.
COMMUNITY: We commit to make our community a better place.
With this purpose in mind, on this day of February 16, 2022, the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division, at its’ Division Executive Meeting moved and subsequently passed the following;
MOTION: That Ottawa Division Veterans are prepared to support in a non-operational capacity the required actions of the RCMP and other police services in the Ottawa area.
Moved; Seconded; and CARRIED
Please do not hesitate to contact us if any coordination is required for volunteers or other related assistance. A copy of this correspondence is also being sent to our National President.”
In conclusion, as your representatives and that of the broader RCMP Veterans’ Association Community, we continue to advocate for adherence to our core principles of the “three C’s” and of our Core Values of Diversity, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Teamwork, Service and Leadership, knowing that we will always act in an unbiased manner while adhering to the rule of law.
Respectfully yours,
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association,
Ottawa Division
05 February 2022
Message below from the National President regarding the House of Commons Petitions / Pétitions de la Chambre des communes.
Good day folks.As most, if not all of you are aware, we, the Association has been attempting to remove the “Marriage Over Sixty” clause from our Pension agreement. This outdated, unfair, and highly discriminatory legislation was first enacted in 1901, often referred to as the “gold digger clause” and applies to all pensioned members of the RCMP, Canadian Military, and Public Service. Simply stated, it will not allow pension benefits to be passed on to the spouse of a deceased pensioner if they married or entered into a registered Common Law relationship after the pensioner reached the age of 60. Nor will the surviving spouse be provided any Federal medical or dental benefits that were enjoyed prior to the pensioner passing away.
The RCMP does have a “survivor benefit” program that allows the pensioner to divert up to 50% of his/her pension that can be made available in monthly payments to the surviving spouse. Please give this so called “benefit” serious thought. If a pensioner who is receiving $2000 per month wishes to contribute 50% of that amount, that means the couple will see only $1000 per month during their marriage. That’s not a lot to live on, and there are many of our fellow pensioners who do not receive $2000 per month.
Today, it is not uncommon for folks to live to the age of 85 years. If married at the age of 60, this means the diverted monies would continue for those 25 years. 50% of $2000 per month means $1000 per month has been diverted. That amounts to $300,000 and if the spouse predeceases the pensioner, not one cent of the $300,000 is returned to the pensioner.
Recently, a Private Members Bill was tabled in the House of Commons, recommending the “Marriage Over Sixty” rule be eliminated. In order for a Private Members Bill to reach the “vote” stage, it must have at least two Federal parties support it.So far, only the NDP is in favour. The Liberal Party just advised they do not see the “Over Sixty” legislation as being unfair. The Conservative Party has not responded, nor has the Bloc.
One method of encouraging Federal Parties to support a Private Members Bill is to present a petition with a substantial number of signatures from Canadians. One such petition was been established by a former CAF member I have been working with and the details are noted below. If anyone wishes to sign this petition, there is an “open for signature” indication within the first line of the House of Commons notice. This will bring anyone interested directly to the details of the petition and after the details, there is the opportunity to sign.
I ask you to consider circulating this petition throughout your respective membership. I suspect many will agree to sign, and the more, the better. Some may also wish to send messages to their respective Members of Parliament and Senators. In fact, I have personally written to every Senator and Member of Parliament, asking their support in eliminating the over sixty stipulation.
There are many seniors within our Association who will appreciate your support.
A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National PresidentRCMP Veterans AssociationMembers Helping Members and Their Families
(le français suit)
This is to inform you that petition e-3825 initiated by Kevin Sewell, which you have supported, has been published and is open for signature. Please note that you have already been counted as a signatory to the petition and no further action is required.
Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions about the e-petition process or encounter technical problems, please visit the petitions website or contact the Clerk of Petitions at PMB-AED@parl.gc.ca.
Le présent message vise à vous informer que la pétition e-3825 créée par Kevin Sewell, que vous avez appuyée, a été publiée et est ouverte aux signatures. Veuillez noter que votre nom a été ajouté à la liste des signataires de la pétition; vous n’avez aucune autre mesure à prendre.
Nous vous prions de ne pas répondre au présent courriel. Si vous avez des questions sur le processus des pétitions électroniques ou si vous éprouvez des problèmes techniques, veuillez consulter le site Web des pétitions ou communiquer avec le greffier des pétitions à PMB-AED@parl.gc.ca.
31 January 2022
British Columbia Will Be Declaring February 1st As RCMP Appreciation Day
CLICK HERE – Proclamation Details
07 January 2022 NEW
New COVID-19 vaccination options for prioritized Ottawa populations and occupations
Ottawa Public Heath is implementing new vaccination options to increase the ease and availability of receiving a vaccine for prioritized populations including an online pre-registration tool for drop-in appointments and a specialized vaccine clinic. These prioritized populations include residents aged 60 and older, educational and childcare workers, employees, volunteers and caregivers of residents of long-term care homes, and pregnant individuals. New COVID-19 vaccine drop-in pre-registration tool Ottawa Public Health has increased drop-in capacity at certain community clinics to prioritize immunizing these four groups: Individuals aged 60 and olderEducational and childcare workersEmployees, volunteers and caregivers of residents of long-term care and retirement homesPregnant individuals Starting today, residents in these priority groups can submit information via Ottawa Public Health’s new online via Ottawa Public Health’s new online COVID-19 vaccine drop-in pre-registration tool to access a drop-in appointment at a nearby clinic. This tool screens for eligibility while collecting information about location preference to ensure a registered individual is notified quickly when a drop-in spot at a nearby vaccine clinic becomes available. If a clinic has same-day openings, individuals who register will be contacted by email or text message and asked to confirm their ability to attend a clinic. COVID-19 vaccination clinic for residents aged 60 and older Ottawa Public Health has increased capacity to better serve older adults in the Ottawa community who still require a third (booster) dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Ottawa Public Health opened a COVID-19 booster clinic at the Nepean Sportsplex for residents aged 60 and older eligible for a third dose. Adults over 60 remain at greater risk for serious illness and complications from COVID-19. For many, their immunity is likely to have decreased and getting a third (booster) dose ensures they are as protected as possible against serious illness and complications from COVID-19. Adults aged 60 and older who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and at least 84 days (three months) have passed since their last dose are encouraged to contact Ottawa Public Health’s booking line today to book an appointment. Clinic details: Nepean Sportsplex, Halls A & B, 1701 Woodroffe AvenueJanuary 6 from 12:45 to 7:15 pmJanuary 7 to 9 from 9:45 am to 4:15 pmBy appointment only – call OPH directly at 613-691-5505 to book For the latest updates, visit Ottawa Public Health’s clinic information page. Vaccinations and the public health measures in place for limiting COVID-19 transmission are our best strategy to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our frontline workers, to keep our healthcare system functioning effectively by slowing the spread of COVID-19 and support the full resumption of business and in-person learning. |
Visit OttawaPublicHealth.ca/COVID19 to learn more about COVID-19, how you can protect yourself and others and what to do if you suspect you may be infected with the virus. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For more information on City programs and services, visit ottawa.ca, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.