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21 December 2021 NEW
On behalf of RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division Executive, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families, health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year. May your holidays sparkle with joy and laughter.
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association,
Ottawa Division
Au nom de l’exécutif de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC, division d’Ottawa, j’aimerais profiter de l’occasion pour vous souhaiter, à vous et à vos familles, santé, bonheur, paix et prospérité à Noël et au cours de la nouvelle année. Que vos vacances soient remplies de joie et de rires.
“Rappelez-vous qu’il n’y a rien de tel qu’un petit acte de bonté. Chaque acte crée une ondulation sans fin logique.” – Scott Adams
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, Président
l’Association des vétérans de la GRC,
division d’Ottawa
THANK YOU Kinngait ᑭᙵᐃᑦ, Nunavut – CLICK HERE
RCMP National Headquarters (NHQ) Adopt a Village Campaign – 2021
As the President of the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division (ODVA) I am pleased to announce that we will be supporting and partnering with NHQ in their “Adopt a Village” Campaign 2021.
The goal is to help out front line members in remote communities rebuild relationships and strengthen community ties as well as help members of the communities in need. Last year’s campaign focused on Fort McPherson NWT and was a tremendous success. This year NHQ are working closely with V Division members to help Kinngait, Nunavut and to support the RCMP’s front-line members in building bridges in Kinngait, this by sending much needed goods.
Kinngait ᑭᙵᐃᑦ (Cape Dorset), Nunavut
Kinngait ᑭᙵᐃᑦ (Inuktitut meaning “mountains”), formerly known as Cape Dorset, is an Inuit hamlet located on Dorset Island near Foxe Peninsula at the southern tip of Baffin Island. Kinngait is world-renowned for its Inuit art produced by many local artists.
Help Spread Joy this Holiday Season!
Much-needed goods to send to the Elders and families of Kinngait include:
Presently ODVA is working on arranging for pick-up dates in the East, Central and Western areas of the city by the first week of December in doing local collections. If you have any questions or would like to participate, help or donate to this worthy cause, please contact ODVA by email at Ottawa.info@rcmpva.org.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association,
Ottawa Division
Le Quartier général national de la GRC adopte une campagne villageoise – 2021
À titre de président de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC, division d’Ottawa (AVDO), j’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que nous appuierons et collaborerons avec le Quartier général national de la GRC dans le cadre de sa campagne « Adoptez un village » 2021.
L’objectif est d’aider nos membres de première ligne dans les collectivités du Nord à rebâtir leurs relations et à renforcer les liens communautaires, ainsi qu’à aider les citoyens de la communauté dans le besoin. La campagne de l’an dernier s’est concentrée sur Fort McPherson, dans les T.N.-O. et a connu un grand succès. Cette année, le Quartier général national travaille en étroite collaboration avec l’effectif de la Division V pour aider Kinngait, au Nunavut, et pour aider les membres de première ligne de la GRC à restaurer nos relations à Kinngait, en envoyant des marchandises dont ils ont grandement besoin.
Kinngait ᑭᙵᐃᑦ (Cape Dorset), Nunavut
Kinngait ᑭᙵᐃᑦ (qui signifie « montagnes » en inuktitut), anciennement appelé Cape Dorset, est un hameau inuit situé sur l’île Dorset, près de la péninsule Foxe, à l’extrémité sud de l’île de Baffin est reconnu mondialement pour son art inuit, et compte de nombreux artistes.
Aidez-nous à répandre la joie cette saison des Fêtes!
Voici des exemples d’articles essentiels à envoyer aux aînés et aux familles de Kinngait :
L’AVDO travaille à organiser des dates de collections locales dans les régions de l’Est, du Centre et de le Ouest de la ville, d’ici à la première semaine de décembre. Si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez participer, aider ou faire un don à cette noble cause, veuillez communiquer avec l’AVDO par courriel à Ottawa.info@rcmpva.org.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, président
Association des vétérans de la GRC,
Division d’Ottawa
The Veteran’s Association is not selling fruit cakes this year.
We have been advised by Roger Newman (one of our Members) that the Cumberland Lions Club is again selling fruit cakes.
Combination 450g light / 450g dark cakes, $15.00
Dark 2 450g dark cakes, $15.00
Dark sliced 650g dark pre sliced cake, $11.00
Shortbread. 300g imported Scottish shortbread, $10.00
For more information, contact Roger Newman:
Home phone 613 833-2331
E-mail: joyrog@rogers.com
Kind regards.
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation 2021 Recipient
Every year, the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation is presented to individuals who provide outstanding volunteer service to Veterans, their communities and their country. The Commendation recognizes a wide range of work, contributing to the care and well-being of Veterans or to the remembrance of their sacrifices and achievements. It is the highest honour the Minister of Veterans Affairs can bestow.
I am pleased to announce that on November 9, 2021, at the Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa Division’s Suzanne Sarault received the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation for Exemplary Volunteer Service from Minister Lawrence McCaulay.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions attendance was limited, however, Wayne MaCulloch, Immediate Past President of the Canadian Association of Veterans of UN Peacekeeping (CAVUNP) and RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division’s, Graham Muir were on hand to witness the presentation of this prestigious honour to Suzanne.
Suzanne, I would like to congratulate you on having received such a wonderful honour from the Minister of Veterans Affairs. Your commitment to serving as a volunteer over these many years has made a difference in the lives of many, especially our Veterans. It is wonderful that your contributions are being recognized and appreciated.
Suzanne, félicitations, bien méritées.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Ottawa Division
Récipiendaire de la Mention élogieuse du ministre des Anciens Combattants 2021
Chaque année, la Mention élogieuse du ministre des Anciens Combattants est remise à des personnes qui offrent des services bénévoles exceptionnels aux vétérans, à leurs collectivités et à leur pays. La Mention élogieuse reconnaît un large éventail de travaux qui contribuent aux soins et au bien-être des vétérans ou au souvenir de leurs sacrifices et de leurs réalisations. C’est le plus grand honneur que le ministre des Anciens Combattants puisse accorder.
J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que le 9 novembre 2021, à l’hôtel Lord Elgin, Suzanne Sarault de la Division d’Ottawa, a reçu la Mention élogieuse du ministre des Anciens Combattants, présenté par le ministre Lawrence McCaulay.
En raison des restrictions liées à la COVID-19, la participation était limitée, cependant, Wayne MaCulloch, président sortant de l’Association canadienne des vétérans des opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies, et de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC, division d’Ottawa, Graham Muir étaient présents pour assister à la remise de ce prestigieux honneur à Suzanne.
Suzanne, je tiens à vous féliciter d’avoir reçu un si grand honneur de la part du ministre des Anciens Combattants. Votre engagement à titre de bénévole au cours de ces nombreuses années a fait une différence dans la vie de nombreuses personnes, en particulier de nos vétérans. C’est merveilleux que vos contributions soient reconnues et appréciées.
Suzanne, félicitations, bien méritées.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, président
Association des vétérans de la GRC
Division d’Ottawa
2021 National Aboriginal Veterans Day
This special day honours the men and women of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples that have defined our military history for over 200 years. From the War of 1812, both World Wars, the Korean conflict, to the present day Canadian Armed Forces, our Aboriginal Veterans have served and continue to serve Canada with honour and distinction.
Click on link of your choice:
2022 Membership Dues – Cotisations 2022
For your information, the National Membership Service system remains locked for the payment of 2022 dues until 1 January 2022. We realize that this may cause some concern among some of you, especially those that may travel south or abroad during the winter months. Therefore, any person wanting to take care of your dues for 2022, we are proposing the following as a short-term solution:
Pour votre information, le système national de service aux membres demeure verrouillé pour le paiement des cotisations de 2022 jusqu’au 1er janvier 2022. Nous sommes conscients que cela peut inquiéter certains d’entre vous, surtout ceux qui voyagent au sud ou à l’étranger pendant les mois d’hiver. Par conséquent, toute personne qui veut s’occuper de vos cotisations pour 2022, nous proposons ce qui suit comme solution à court terme :
Veterans’ Week Remembrance Ceremony / Cérémonie du Souvenir de la Semaine des Vétérans
Join the RCMPVA, Ottawa Division, on Saturday, November 6, for a remembrance ceremony at the RCMP National Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood.
The ceremony will begin at 10:50 hrs. and will last approximately 30 minutes. For the benefit of those unable to attend the ceremony in person, the event will be live-streamed on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BeechwoodCemetery giving everyone the opportunity to participate. To ensure that you catch the entire ceremony we suggest that you please log in starting at 10:40 hrs.
The RCMP National Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood is open to current employees of the RCMP (members, civilian members and public service employees), members of the RCMP Veterans’ Association (RCMPVA) and those who may meet the criteria of the RCMP Veterans’ Association and their respective family members.
Joignez-vous à la division d’Ottawa de l’AV de la GRC qui organise une cérémonie du Souvenir au Cimetière commémoratif national de la GRC à Beechwood samedi, le 6 novembre. La cérémonie débutera à 10 h 50 et sera d’une durée d’environ 30 minutes. Pour ceux et celles qui ne peuvent être à la cérémonie en personne, nous diffuserons en direct cette cérémonie à https://www.facebook.com/BeechwoodCemetery. Veuillez-vous connecter à partir de 10 h 40 afin de voir la cérémonie au complet.Le Cimetière commémoratif national de la GRC à Beechwood est ouvert aux employés actuels de la GRC (membres, membres civils et employés de la fonction publique), aux membres de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC (AVGRC) et à ceux et celles qui peuvent satisfaire les critères de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC et aux membres de leurs familles respectives.
I am a former member and the National Operations Manager for Forsythe Security. We have immediate need of former law-enforcement, corrections personnel for jobs in Alberta, BC and the rest of Canada.
Attached job poster refers.
This is third party information and they should reply directly to the agency in the poster.
Any questions please reach me as below
Rob Thorarinson
National Operations Manager (Contractor)
Forsythe Security, a division of ODS Canada
Cell: (250) 215-2231
22 OCTOBER 2021
Dear Members,
Our Chief Advocate, Mike Duffy has now completed an update to the Advocates Guide to Health Benefits.
In addition his group have updated contact information for Government & Agency Contacts for RCMP Veterans, OSI Clinics contact information and RCMP Health Services Offices Contact information.
These documents are available on the national website at Advocates – RCMP Veteran’s Association / Association des Vétérans de la GRC (rcmpva.org).
James Forrest
Director of Communications
Chers membres,
Notre avocat en chef, Mike Duffy, a maintenant terminé la mise à jour du Guide des prestations de santé pour les avocats.
En outre, son groupe a mis à jour les coordonnées des personnes-ressources du gouvernement et des organismes pour les anciens de la GRC, les coordonnées des cliniques TSO et les coordonnées des bureaux des services de santé de la GRC.
Ces documents sont disponibles sur le site Web national à Advocates – RCMP Veteran’s Association / Association des Vétérans de la GRC (rcmpva.org).
James Forrest
Directeur des communications
19 OCTOBER 2021
Annual campaign to get socks to the homeless launches in Ottawa
“Socks are one of the most requested items in shelters.”
05 OCTOBER 2021
Medical Examination Class Action against the RCMP
This message is going out to all Division Presidents as a follow up to earlier ones describing this file.
This afternoon (5 October 2021) I had a lengthy and fruitful conversation with Ms. Yvette Gallo from the Law Firm, Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers P.G. We discussed at length, the notification letter many of our Veterans received, and in many cases, that caused a considerable amount of anxiety. Firstly, Yvette and I came to the conclusion, the notification from Dewar Communications fell far short of providing the details related to what now has become issues for many. It did not explain the legal process, how it began, and the direction it is taking. I guess it is not a requirement to do so. Without going into any lengthy explanation, I will outline some very important details that should ease everyone’s concerns:
I hope that eases your concerns. The next question is; what information did the RCMP provide to Dewar Communications? The court ruled the RCMP must provide the names of anyone who could have any connection to the circumstances described within the litigation. In my conversation with the Law Firm, I asked what, if any vetting process would normally be taken. For example; a. should the RCMP have provided only the names of those who submitted an application to join the Force from the year 1975 and onwards? b. should the RCMP have first contacted those applicants, asking if they believed they could have issues related to the circumstances?c. What personal details did the RCMP provide to Dewar Communications?
Yvette made it clear, the Law Firm has no idea what was asked of the RCMP and what details were provided to Dewar Communications, nor do they know the names on that list. The Law Firm had nothing to do with the Class Action notice that many folks received, and were as concerned as you and me, there was far too little related information made known. Obviously, the wording left many thinking they were a part of the action and in order to withdraw, the onus was on us to opt out. It is now clear that is not the case. Unfortunately, just referring to legal information being available via a link can cause more trouble than it’s worth, and I believe that is exactly what happened.
As for the RCMP issue of providing personal details, the Director General, RCMP Compensation Services is actively looking into this on our behalf. At her request, I was able to provide her with a copy of the Notice and she will get back to me, likely fairly soon, with details. It is important to remember, the Federal Court had ordered the RCMP to provide names. It is, however, unfortunate some names involved folks that applied for the RCMP as far back as 1953, while the situation described within the notice relates to issues that occurred in 1975 and onwards.
I do have many more questions in mind that I have described to the DG Compensation Services, but I think I have written enough for now. I am confident the RCMP will be cooperative and understanding.
Regards to all.
A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National PresidentRCMP Veterans AssociationMembers Helping Members and Their Families
This message is going out to all Division Presidents and I ask you to circulate to your respective members. I normally would have our Communications Director do this, however, he is not available this weekend and I am receiving so many messages of concern from our members who have received notices from the law firm who is handling the Medical Examination Class Action against the RCMP, they need to know what we are doing on their behalf.
A number of our members have received correspondence from the law firm “Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers Q.C.” advising they have until the 29th of October to “Opt Out”, yet, these folks have never “Opted In”. There is a whole lot of Association members who are highly disturbed, they have been included in this action without their knowledge or agreement and they deserve answers.I reached out to the RCMP Director General, Compensations Services as well as the Corps Sergeant Major, describing the letter I sent to that law firm. That message to the DG is below. Our members need to know what I am doing on their behalf, and I do not believe this can wait until Monday or Tuesday, because of the stress this is causing for so many.
Thank you for doing this.
A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National PresidentRCMP Veterans AssociationMembers Helping Members and Their Families
Subject: Re: RCMP Medical Examination Class Action – Notice of Certification – Federal Court of Canada | Royal Canadian Mounted Police Good morning Joanne. I am getting inundated with messages from frustrated folks who never joined the Class Action, but are receiving letters from “Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers P.C.” telling them they have until the 29th of October to “Opt Out”.I have written to them asking a number of questions, including:..Why are they writing to people who never asked to be a part of the Class Action..Where did they get the personal information of so many former members..What happens if a person who never joined the action chooses to ignore the letter and consequently does not “Opt Out”?As you are likely aware, there could be sever financial consequences if a legal action fails. Those who participated in the “Action” could be assessed costs.
Whoever disclosed the personal information of our former members must be identified and held accountable. Based upon the number of complaints I have received over the past 24 hours from folks who received letters but never expressed any interest in participating in the Class Action, this is not going to go away, nor should it.
As President of the RCMP Veterans Association, it is my duty to pursue this until the answers are received. I can state as a fact, the RCMP Veterans Association did not provide any personal information to that law firm, but someone certainly did.
I will let you know the results of my information request to “Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers P.C.”, that is, if they choose to respond.
Kindest regards
A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National PresidentRCMP Veterans AssociationMembers Helping Members and Their Families
Hi Sandy
Thank you for advising that you have advised your members of the Corriveau Class Action against the RCMP. Please note that this action applies only to medical examinations of Applicants.
Joanne Rigon
Director General, National Compensation Services
Directrice générale, Services nationaux de remuneration
RCMP Executive Liaison Officer to VAC
Agent de liaison principal de la GRC à ACC
Regards to all.
A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National President
RCMP Veterans Association
Members Helping Members and Their Families
01 OCTOBER 2021
In regards to RCMP Veterans’ Association Membership Dues for 2021.
NEW – Please note that at this time, we are encouraging and accepting payments outstanding for 2021 or earlier. We are not seeking payment for 2022 dues until the final amount is set, pending outcome of the ongoing electronic vote which closes October 11. Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.
If you have not voted already, please do so before the 11th. Your participation is important.
If you are unsure of your Membership status, please go to https://membership.rcmpva.org/.
Click on Member Login
Enter your email address and password. If this is the first time doing this, please seek assistance from membership.admin@rcmpva.org.
Once logged in you will reach the Member Profile Update. Here you will be able to view or edit your profile. In the Financial History area, you will be able to see if you owe any money for dues.
In regards to RCMP Veterans’ Association Membership Dues for 2021.
If you are unsure of your Membership status, please go to https://membership.rcmpva.org/.
Click on Member Login
Enter your email address and password. If this is the first time doing this, please seek assistance from membership.admin@rcmpva.org.
Once logged in you will reach the Member Profile Update. Here you will be able to view or edit your profile. In the Financial History area, you will be able to see if you owe any money for dues.
Dear Ottawa Division Association Members.
2021: I would like to take this opportunity to point out that there are currently some of ODVA members who have yet to pay their 2021 annual dues. If you have not already done so, I would ask that you please settle this at your earliest convenience.
Since the national website for membership is now “down” to allow for the transition to the new dues owing for next year, I would ask that payments be made in the following manner:
You can pay your 2021 dues directly from your bank account to the ODVA bank account in a simple e-transfer transaction. You will require the following three things:
What is the RCMP ceremonial hat called?
You can also pay your 2021 dues by mailing a cheque made out to:
RCMP Veterans’ Association – Ottawa Division at the address below.
2022: On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, you should have received an e-letter from Sandy Glenn, our Association National President, outlining that effective January 1, 2022, the Association membership dues paid to the National Association will be increasing from $37.00 to $45.00 per year. We are required to forward these increased funds to our National Association.
What does this mean for your Ottawa Division (ODVA) annual membership dues?
Presently, ODVA dues are $60.00 annually. We are required to forward $37.00 of those dues collected to the National Association. The remaining $23.00 is kept by ODVA for its’ operational needs. The increase of the National dues by $8.00 was unexpected but understandable since there has been no increase at the National level since 2017. Your Ottawa Division Executive is assessing the impact and options as to the Division portion of our dues. This has yet to have been discussed in depth by your Division Executive Committee and any proposed increase in the Division portion of our dues would have to be passed at the Executive level of ODVA and then put to a vote to our membership for approval.
Further information regarding the amount and payment of dues for 2022 will be forthcoming shortly.
If you have questions on this or any other issue, please email us at ottawa.info@rcmpva.org.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association,
Ottawa Division
Chers membres de l’Association de la Division d’Ottawa.
2021 : J’aimerais profiter de l’occasion pour souligner qu’il y a actuellement certains membres de l’ODVA qui n’ont pas encore payé leurs cotisations annuelles pour 2021. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, je vous demanderais de régler cette question le plus tôt possible.
Étant donné que le site Web national pour les membres est maintenant « en baisse » pour permettre la transition vers les nouvelles cotisations exigibles pour l’année prochaine, je demanderais que les paiements soient effectués de la façon suivante :
Vous pouvez payer vos cotisations 2021 directement de votre compte bancaire à votre compte bancaire ODVA dans le cadre d’une simple transaction de virement électronique. Vous aurez besoin des trois choses suivantes :
Comment s’appelle le chapeau de cérémonie de la GRC?
Vous pouvez également payer vos cotisations de 2021 en envoyant un chèque à :
L’Association des vétérans de la GRC – Division d’Ottawa à l’adresse ci-dessous.
2022 : Le mercredi 22 septembre 2021, vous devriez avoir reçu une lettre électronique de Sandy Glenn, notre présidente nationale de l’Association, indiquant qu’à compter du 1 janvier 2022, les cotisations versées à l’Association nationale passeront de 37 $ à 45 $ par année. Nous sommes tenus de transférer ces fonds supplémentaires à notre Association nationale.
Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour les cotisations annuelles de votre division d’Ottawa (ODVA)?
À l’heure actuelle, les cotisations à l’ODVA sont de 60 $ par année. Nous sommes tenus de transférer 37 $ de ces cotisations à l’Association nationale. Les 23 $ restants sont conservés par l’ODVA pour ses besoins opérationnels. L’augmentation de la cotisation nationale de 8,00 $ était inattendue, mais compréhensible puisqu’il n’y a eu aucune augmentation à l’échelle nationale depuis 2017. Votre Exécutif de la Division d’Ottawa évalue l’incidence et les options de la portion de nos cotisations de la Division. Le Comité exécutif de votre division n’a pas encore discuté en profondeur de cette question, et toute proposition d’augmentation de la part de la division de nos cotisations devrait être adoptée au niveau de la direction de l’ODVA, puis soumise à un vote à l’approbation de nos membres.
De plus amples renseignements sur le montant et le paiement des cotisations pour 2022 seront fournis sous peu.
Si vous avez des questions à ce sujet ou sur tout autre sujet, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à ottawa.info@rcmpva.org.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, président
Association des vétérans de la GRC,
Division d’Ottawa
RCMP National Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood
Canadian Police and Peace Officer’s Memorial and the unveiling of the Plaque dedicated to the RCMP Civilian Members since 01 April 1960.
A Letter From The National President La version française suit |
Greetings to All By now, most, if not all of you, have been advised by your respective Presidents there is a need to increase the Association portion of your overall Fees. I will go into the details further on within this message. Firstly, further to my message to you on the 9th of this month on what is done on behalf of our members, I am pleased to provide more information about the business of managing the affairs of the Association. The “Your Association at work” overview has evolved somewhat in the last week and will continue to do so over the next few months. The current version is attached to this message. As these were planned to be part of the roll out of our revised web site later this year, you will see these Fact Sheet style communications in the future, and we have attached some of them today as they should be helpful for my message today. In August, as part of the annual dues setting process, the Board of Directors reviewed the “Treasurer’s Report and Recommendations – Setting of Dues” dated July 29th 2021. I have attached the report for your review. Reading this should help you understand the unique point in time we are all dealing with. I believe you will come to the same conclusion we have. We need to increase our dependable revenue to continue to support our membership in the diverse services we provide. And we need to reduce our reliance on fluctuating, unstable and unpredictable sponsorship and donations as a primary source of revenue. The end of the current sponsorship agreement occurs June, 2022. which leaves us having to find a significant revenue stream to have the RCMPVA continue to support our membership as a viable and valued association. As I have alluded to at the start of this message, since 2017, membership dues have been $37.00 per annum. However, effective January 1st, 2022, the Board has approved an increase of $8.00 to $45.00 per annum in order to allow us to continue to serve you, our members. I am well aware of the questions about how funds are being spent and why it is necessary to increase membership dues. Our Association CAO and Treasurer have prepared a detailed financial overview in fact sheet format. These are Association Members – RCMP Veterans Association Office operating details, and How the VA Operates and these are attached for your information. You are encouraged to review these documents as it is an accurate reflection of our financial status and our budget forecasting to 2023. I do wish to point out our web page, as it evolves over the forthcoming months, we will include a number of Fact Sheet style of communications that will include the above fact sheets to increase your understanding of what the Association is doing in a format for your easy reference. There is so much going on behind the scenes, I feel it’s important for you to have a clear understanding of what is involved in the administration of an Association, while adhering to the legal requirements of the Canada Not For Profit Corporations Act as well as the Canada Revenue Services rules. It is so very important for us to operate legally. Speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chief Administrations Officer, and the Secretariat, I hope we will continue to have your trust. Regards to all A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, National President RCMP Veterans Association Members Helping Members and Their Families Fact Sheet – Your Association At Work Treasurer’s Report and Recommendations – Setting of Dues Fact Sheet – Office Operating Details Fact Sheet – How the VA Operates Salutations à tous, La plupart d’entre vous, si ce n’est tous, ont été informés par leurs présidents respectifs de la nécessité d’augmenter la part de l’Association dans le montant total de vos cotisations. J’entrerai dans les détails plus loin dans ce message. Tout d’abord, suite au message que je vous ai adressé le 9 de ce mois sur ce qui est fait au nom de nos membres, j’ai le plaisir de vous fournir plus d’informations sur la gestion des affaires de l’Association. La vue d’ensemble “Votre association au travail” a quelque peu évolué la semaine dernière et continuera à le faire au cours des prochains mois. La version actuelle est jointe à ce message. Comme il était prévu que ces documents fassent partie du déploiement de notre site Web révisé plus tard dans l’année, vous verrez ces communications de type fiche d’information à l’avenir, et nous en avons joint quelques-unes aujourd’hui car elles devraient être utiles pour la compréhension de mon message. En août, dans le cadre du processus annuel de fixation des cotisations, le conseil d’administration a examiné le “Briefing du trésorier – Fixation des cotisations” daté du 29 juillet 2021. J’ai joint le rapport pour que vous puissiez l’examiner. Sa lecture devrait vous aider à comprendre ce à quoi nous sommes tous confrontés. Je crois que vous arriverez à la même conclusion que nous. Nous devons augmenter nos revenus fiables pour continuer à soutenir nos membres dans les divers services que nous offrons. Et nous devons réduire notre dépendance à l’égard des commandites et des dons fluctuants, instables et imprévisibles comme principale source de revenus. L’accord de commandite actuel prendra fin en juin 2022, ce qui nous oblige à trouver une source de revenus importante pour que l’AVGRC puisse continuer à soutenir ses membres en tant qu’association viable et appréciée. Comme j’y ai fait allusion au début de ce message, depuis 2017, les cotisations des membres sont de 37,00 $ par an. Cependant, à compter du 1er janvier 2022, le conseil d’administration a approuvé une augmentation de 8,00 $ à 45,00 $ par an afin de nous permettre de continuer à vous servir, vous, nos membres. Je suis bien conscient des questions sur la façon dont les fonds sont dépensés et sur la raison pour laquelle il est nécessaire d’augmenter les cotisations des membres. Le DG et le trésorier de notre association ont préparé un aperçu financier détaillé sous forme de fiche d’information. Il s’agit des fiches Détails du fonctionnement du Bureau de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC et Comment fonctionne l’AV, qui sont jointes à titre d’information. Nous vous encourageons à examiner ces documents, car ils reflètent fidèlement notre situation financière et nos prévisions budgétaires jusqu’en 2023. Je tiens à souligner que notre page Web, au fur et à mesure qu’elle évoluera au cours des prochains mois, comprendra un certain nombre de communications de type fiche d’information qui incluront les fiches d’information ci-dessus afin de vous permettre de mieux comprendre ce que fait l’Association dans un format facile à consulter. Il y a tellement de choses qui se passent dans les coulisses, je pense qu’il est important pour vous d’avoir une compréhension claire de ce qui est impliqué dans l’administration d’une association, tout en adhérant aux exigences légales de la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés à but non lucratif ainsi qu’aux règles des Services du revenu du Canada. Il est très important pour nous de fonctionner légalement. Au nom du conseil d’administration, de l’administrateur en chef et du secrétariat, j’espère que vous continuerez à nous faire confiance. Salutations à tous A.P. (Sandy) Glenn, président national Association des vétérans de la GRC Les membres aident les membres et leurs familles Fiche d’information – Votre association au travail Fiche d’information – Briefing du trésorier – Fixation des cotisations Fiche d’information – Détails du bureau Fiche d’information – Comment fonctionne l’AV |
14 SEPTEMBER 2021 Installation of a granite marker on the grave of NWMP #145, John Malcolm McFarland. McFarland was the great grandson of an original settler of Niagara-on-the-Lake in the 1700s Golden Horseshoe Division Division Golden Horseshoe August 20th 2021 20 août 2021 La version française suit Members of the Golden Horseshoe Division attended at St. Andrews Church Cemetery at Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, on Friday, August 20, 2021, to install a granite marker on the grave of NWMP #145, John Malcolm McFarland.McFarland was the great grandson of an original settler of Niagara-on-the-Lake in the 1700s, John McFarland.The marker was designed by Division member Dave Miller, and was produced and donated by his business, Kada Tributes.McFarlands unmarked grave has been visited by Miller annually as part of the Veterans Grave Inspection Program. It was during one of these visits that the church administrator advised Miller that relatives of McFarland from the United Kingdom had recently attended the cemetery to visit the grave, but were disappointed to find it unmarked.Although McFarland’s service in the NWMP was short-lived due to a medical issue, it was deemed appropriate to arrange to have his grave marked. The family home built in 1800 still exists today and is used as the McFarland House Museum. There is a long history of the McFarland family in the area, although no known members still reside there. Local historian David Hemmings who has written a book about them, was present during the installation.It is our hope that other members and Divisions will participate in this worthwhile endeavour. Division member Sef Ginther has donated our next granite marker for the grave of RCMP #15246 Douglas Arthur Grayling.Dave Miller for John Keddy, President RCMP Veterans Association Golden Horseshoe Division (L-R): Bob Kempf, President John Keddy, Secretary Sef Ginther, Treasurer Dave Miller, Fred Foster, Graves Committee Director Paul Richard. (G-D):Bob Kempf, Président John Keddy, Secrétaire Sef Ginther, Trésorier Dave Miller, Fred Foster, Directeur du Comité des Graves Paul Richard. Les membres de la Division du Golden Horseshoe étaient présents au cimetière de l’église St. Andrews à Niagara-on-the-Lake, en Ontario, le vendredi 20 août 2021, pour installer une marque de granit sur la tombe de la PCNO no 145, John Malcolm McFarland.McFarland était l’arrière-petit-fils d’un des premiers colons de Niagara-on-the-Lake dans les années 1700, John McFarland.Le marqueur a été conçu par Dave Miller, membre de la division, et a été produit et offert par son entreprise, Kada Tributes.La marque a été conçue par Dave Miller, membre de la division.La tombe non marquée de McFarland a été visitée par Miller chaque année dans le cadre du programme d’inspection des tombes des anciens combattants. C’est au cours de l’une de ces visites que l’administrateur de l’église a informé Miller que des parents de McFarland originaires du Royaume-Uni s’étaient récemment rendus au cimetière pour se rendre sur la tombe, mais qu’ils avaient été déçus de la trouver sans marque.Bien que le service de McFarland dans la PCN-O ait été de courte durée en raison d’un problème médical, il a été jugé approprié de prendre des dispositions pour que sa tombe soit marquée. La maison familiale construite en 1800 existe toujours aujourd’hui et est utilisée comme musée de la maison McFarland. La famille McFarland a une longue histoire dans la région, bien qu’aucun membre connu n’y réside encore. L’historien local David Hemmings, qui a écrit un livre à leur sujet, était présent lors de l’installation.Nous espérons que d’autres membres et divisions participeront à cette entreprise louable. Sef Ginther, membre de la division, a fait don de notre prochaine borne en granit pour la tombe de Douglas Arthur Grayling, membre de la GRC no 15246.Dave Miller pour John Keddy, Président Association des anciens de la GRC Division Golden Horseshoe |
14 SEPTEMBER 2021 Commemorative Stemless Tumbler to honour the evolution of the RCMP The RCMP “O” Division is holding a Century Ball on November 19th, 2021 (postponed due to COVID from December 2020) to honour the evolution of the North West Mounted Police to Royal North West Mounted Police to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As part of this initiative the RCMP “O” Division have joined forces with both Toronto Division and Georgian Bay Veterans’ Association in Ontario to help with the planning and execution of this Ball. Part of this involves various fundraising activities. The first initiative we held was the sale of the Century Ball Commemorative Coin (see picture in link below). This initial order of coins was so well received by members across Canada we have ordered, and received, our second and last, order of additional commemorative coins for sale. For more information you may email us, Michael or Jenny Catton, at mjcatton@cogeco.ca. Our next, and last, major fundraising initiative is the stainless steel commemorative tumbler to honour the evolution of the RCMP from its inception as the NWMP through the RNWMP to today as the RCMP. These tumblers are great for gifts or the home, office, cottage, beach, ski hills, camping, etc. The Stainless-Steel White Tumbler comes with a clear lid. Keeps any beverage (hot or cold) at just the right temperature. The vacuum seal keeps liquids and carbonation fresh. Made from double-walled, non-leaching, and non-toxic stainless steel. Please note the lid does not have a plastic slide to cover the sip hole. Hand wash only. There are 2 options available (see the link for the flyer below) at the same cost in the 12oz and 17oz tumblers– either with the text RCMP Regimental Ball or no RCMP Regimental Ball. Both options will have the bottom text on the tumbler. All of the information for the Commemorative Tumblers is provided in the link below. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask. You may email us, Michael or Jenny Catton, at mjcatton@cogeco.ca. Payment may be made by e-transfer. As with the commemorative coin we will do bulk orders. We would appreciate it if you would please send this information out to all of your members. Stay safe and healthy. Jenny:) |
08 September 2021
Each month, Salute! newsletter provides news about:
You will also see stories about today’s Veterans, their challenges and successes, and how they contribute to their communities after leaving the military.
CLICK HERE to access on line monthly publications
24 August 2021
Reaching out to RCMP Veteran’s who have provided International Policing Services; a letter from Ottawa Division President, Wayne Jacquard ……. READ MORE
23 July 2021
Further to earlier messages from the RCMP Veterans’ Association regarding donations towards the Lytton, B.C. fires, we were all advised that the RCMPVA Foundation would prefer that all donations (Division and individual) be sent directly to Kamloops Division and not to the Foundation.
Instructions for this were provided by Kamloops Advocate, Bob Stephens where they have set up a separate account within their treasurers account and contributions are being sent by etransfer to Ken Parent at ken.parent@outlook.com, or cheques are to be sent to Ken Parent, 2364 Dunrobin Place, Kamloops, BC V1S 1W1.
They determined that this was the quickest way they could go in order to get the funds out quickly. We were further advised that the account is closely monitored by the BOD Kamloops Division and that have full trust in Ken. As of the last message Kamloops had already sent $1000.00 to each of 9 folks affected by the fire. As more funds arrive, more will be provided.
I would like to advise the membership of the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division that the Division is making a donation in the amount of $500 on behalf of all its members to assist the RCMP Community in Lytton in obtaining the necessities of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues and families at this time.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association,
Ottawa Division
Pour faire suite aux messages antérieurs de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC au sujet des dons pour les incendies de Lytton, en Colombie-Britannique, on nous a tous informés que la Fondation de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC préférerait que tous les dons (de la Division et des particuliers) soient envoyés directement à la Division de Kamloops et non à la Fondation.
Des instructions à ce sujet ont été fournies par l’avocat de Kamloops, Bob Stephens, qui a établi un compte distinct dans son compte du trésorier et les cotisations sont envoyées par « etransfer » à Ken Parent à ken.parent@outlook.com, ou les chèques doivent être envoyés à Ken Parent. 2364 Dunrobin Place, Kamloops (C.-B.) V1S 1W1.
Ils ont déterminé que c’était la façon la plus rapide de verser les fonds rapidement. On nous a également informés que le compte est surveillé de près par le Conseil d’administration de la Division de Kamloops et que les membres qui ont pleinement confiance en Ken. En date du dernier message, Kamloops avait déjà envoyé 1 000 $ à chacune des 9 personnes touchées par l’incendie. À mesure que d’autres fonds arriveront, d’autres seront fournis.
J’aimerais informer les membres de l’Association des vétérans de la GRC, Division d’Ottawa, que la Division fait un don de 500 $ au nom de tous ses membres pour aider la communauté de la GRC à Lytton à obtenir les biens de première nécessité. Nos pensées et nos prières accompagnent nos collègues et nos familles.
W.A. (Wayne) Jacquard, président
l’Association des vétérans de la GRC,
Division d’Ottawa
22 June 2021
VAC is updating the membership of the Minister’s Advisory Groups and we are sharing this link in the hopes that you will share it
There are 6 Advisory groups and applicants can indicate which one they have an interest in.
In comradeship,
Angela Keeling Colkitt
Executive Assistant / Adjointe Exécutive
The Royal Canadian Legion – National Headquarters
Le siège de La Légion royale canadienne
86 Aird Place, Ottawa, K2L 0A1
T: 613-591-3335 ext 244
19 JUNE 2021
Ottawa Division pays tribute to Cst. Shelly Patton, “F” Division – Killed on duty
17 JUNE 2021
Ottawa Division introduces Photo Challenge to the Ottawa Division Veterans
Ottawa Division Veterans Association – Photo challenge
The RCMP Veterans Association, Ottawa Division wants to celebrate and promote RCMP Veterans with your photos!
What is special about your community? Do you have local markets, nature trails, heritage sites?
We hope that you will share the beauty of your neighbourhood, village, town, city. Entice others to visit and share in the local landscapes, arts, markets. Celebrate your community with photos.
Let Ottawa Division’s “Three C’s”; Care, Connect & Community inspire you to capture photos that represent veterans and honour front line workers. This is an opportunity to connect with the RCMP and other police services and let them know that we are part of the community.
This is not a contest, as such there is no judging. This is an opportunity for artistic expression and to share with your fellow Association members.
You have two options to submit your photos with brief narratives:
Our hope is to safely enjoy the outdoors, have some fun, and share your images to promote comradery and esprit-du-corps.
Looking forward to your photographs.
“We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us.” – Ralph Hattersley
Association des vétérans de la division d’OttawaDéfi photographique
L’Association des vétérans de la GRC, Division d’Ottawa, veut célébrer et promouvoir les vétérans de la GRC avec vos photos!
Qu’y a-t-il de spécial dans votre communauté? Avez-vous des marchés locaux, des sentiers naturels, des sites patrimoniaux?
Laissez les « trois C » de la Division d’Ottawa; Compassion, Connexion & Communauté vous inspirer pour capturer des photos qui représentent les anciens combattants et honorent les travailleurs de première ligne. C’est l’occasion de communiquer avec la GRC et d’autres services de police pour leur faire savoir que nous faisons partie de la collectivité.
Nous espérons que vous partagerez la beauté de votre quartier, village, ville, ville. Incitez les autres à visiter et à partager les paysages, les arts et les marchés locaux. Célébrez votre communauté avec des photos.
Ce n’est pas un concours, en tant que tel il n’y a pas de jugement. Il s’agit d’une occasion d’expression artistique et de partager avec vos collègues membres de l’Association.
Vous avez deux options pour soumettre vos photos avec de brefs récits :
Notre espoir est de profiter en toute sécurité du plein air, de s’amuser et de partager vos images pour promouvoir la camaraderie et l’esprit-du-corps.
Nous attendons vos photos avec impatience.
« Nous faisons des photos pour comprendre ce que nos vies signifient pour nous » – Ralph Hattersley
23 MAY 2021
Annual Commemorative Event at the RCMP National Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood – 148th anniversary of the RCMP
Each year on this date, the anniversary of the RCMP, our division hosts an early morning vigil at the Cenotaph for Fallen Members and an historical walking tour that culminate with a prayer and wreath-laying ceremony.
Regrettably due to the Provincial Health Orders that were in effect, we were relegated to a small ceremony limited to only five attendees (including Beechwood personnel) and an abbreviated schedule to be on site READ MORE (English & French)
Dear Veterans,
On behalf of the Quarterly, I am seeking the assistance of bilingual members.
Specifically, I am seeking a bilingual member(s), or their spouse, who would be willing to proofread the Quarterly magazine to ensure the English and French versions are identical. The task would entail about an hour or two of reading, four times a year.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
If you are interested, please contact me at my personal email: timdeb@rogers.com.
Thank You …………………………………..
Tim O’Neil, Chairperson RCMP Quarterly Board of Trustees”
1. Membership in the Ottawa Division RCMPVA is required for approval to join the group. If you are not a member of the Div your request for membership will be rejected.
2. Respect everyone’s privacy. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group. You are NOT to repost anything posted here.
3. Be kind and courteous. We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
4. No promotions or spam. Give more to this group than you take. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.
5. No hate speech or bullying. Make sure that everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
6. No Politics. This page is meant to share information and events of interest to the members of the Ottawa Division RCMPVA. Political posts or those denigrating the Force will be deleted
9th May 2021 – RCMP Pipe Band Ottawa Perley-Rideau Virtual Concert 2021
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Pipes, Drums and Dancers of “National Division” were formed in the spring of 2000. Wearing the very distinctive RCMP tartan and the world-renowned red serge of the RCMP, the band is comprised primarily of citizen volunteers but also does include police officers and employees of the force.
06 May 2021 – Construction enhancements continue at the RCMP National Memorial Cemetery
04 May 2021 – Attendance Allowance Explanation (VAC benefits)
Good day folks. Many of you will recall, this past Sunday I reached out to all of you asking if any had been denied the Veterans Affairs Canada Attendance Allowance, the reason being VAC representative incorrectly advising the RCMP (and our veterans) were not eligible for that program.
Regards to all Sandy Glenn, National President RCMP Veterans Association Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
One of the 500 British Columbians currently in hospital with COVID-19 is a former high-ranking RCMP officer who’s sharing his story.
Surrey Detachment – 70th Anniversary
In 2021, the Surrey RCMP will mark 70 years of service to the City of Surrey. In order to honour this important milestone, Surrey Detachment is reaching out to veterans who served at Surrey to work on a special commemorative project. We would like to put together a collection of photos and stories to show what policing was like in the days of the old
April 2020: A tragedy that shook the country – April 18, 2021
Ottawa, Ontario – Commissioner B. Lucki
A year ago, Canada went through one of its darkest moments. The largest mass shooting in Canadian history unfolded in rural Nova Scotia, leaving a trail of tragedy that will weigh heavy on the hearts of Nova Scotians, the RCMP and all Canadians for generations
On April 18 and 19, 2020, Northwestern Nova Scotia was the scene of a terrible shooting rampage that left 22 dead, including RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson. On the anniversary of this tragedy, the Nova Scotia Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association has asked that RCMP veterans across Canada
On April 18th 2020, a madman began his murder spree killing 22 people. As RCMP Veterans, our sympathies continue to go out to all of the families of the victims of this horrible crime, which should never happen to anyone, anywhere. Unfortunately, this is the new reality in our society today.
Dear Members
Recently circulated to you was an interview of retired Supt. Garry Clement regarding the current status of the Force.
The Chief of our Public Engagement office, Steve Mills has written a review of the contents of the video which has been sent to Global Television and posted on the National website.
Dear Ms. Friesen;
Your interview with “one of the leading authorities on policing in this country” was watched with interest by many current and former members of the RCMP. Contrary to what was broadcast, the views of the guest are not widely shared by those members of the RCMP who have worked Contract Policing and particularly those who have worked Federal, International and Contract Policing. Federal and International Policing could not exist without the presence of front line intelligence throughout the country that Contract Policing provides.
The roots of the RCMP are entrenched in the Contract Policing model. From its earliest beginnings the RCMP was tasked with maintaining law and order, enforcing the Criminal Code, Federal Acts and protecting aboriginal treaty rights. This mandate has continued unabated and with tremendous sacrifice for nearly 150 years. The fact that one organization can communicate and wade through the vast array of legislation that police utilize on a daily basis, while not having to transition though multiple jurisdictional roadblocks is incredibly efficient and effective. One need only to inquire with Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the Counties of Scandinavia to learn that the structure of the RCMP in Canada is the envy of these and many other Countries.
There is no question that the current environment within the RCMP is very difficult and this is due entirely to decades of budgetary constraints by successive Federal and Provincial Governments. The force has long been depended upon to stretch its membership extremely thin while numerous additional responsibilities are piled on by Government. After decades of neglect there must be the will to provide an adequate level of funding for the RCMP organization and its dedicated members and bring the force back to a position that justifies the reputation that has been nurtured since 1873.
I would welcome you to get to know the RCMP by reviewing the attached. It documents the history and current environment within the RCMP very well.
Stephen Mills, S/Sgt. (Ret)
Chief of Public Engagement
RCMP Veterans Association
Presentation of a Commemorative Coin and Certificate in memory of Heidi Stevenson
April 2021
I wish to share with everyone, an outstanding act of compassion and caring provided by our Victoria Division and in particular, President Rosie Bowman. We were all devastated, learning of the death of our serving sister, Heidi Stevenson, who courageously fought face to face with the infamous murderer of 22 persons in Nova Scotia last year and lost her life in doing so.
Calgary Division:
“Genesis of the Association” – Challenge Coin Click for details
The first recorded meeting of the NWMP (North-West Mounted Police) ex-members took place in Calgary on April 16th, 1886, at the town hall with twenty-four ex-members attending. This year marks the 135th anniversary of that meeting of Veterans.
Please forward an email to ottawa.info@rcmpva.org.
Include your name, address, postal code, phone number, email, Regimental Number and the number of coins desired. Also, let us know if you wish your regimental number be added to the side of the coin. Only one number per coin can be inscribed.
The front of the coin proudly bears the embossed gold Veterans Crest against a dark navy background similar to the ring surrounding the inscription on the back.
The coin can be struck with your regimental number on the bottom thin edge of the coin if desired at no cost to you. A great way to individualize this keep sake for you and family members as a future heirloom.
Orders can be made through the Ottawa Division Veterans’ Association which is supporting this Calgary initiative.
The coin may be purchased for $20.