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Year Established: 1953
2016 Membership: 562 active and life / 20 associate and honorary
Regular Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month (September to June)
Coffee Klatches: Weekly at four locations around Ottawa, Gatineau and Perth
Communications: Quarterly ODVA newsletter, The Spirit (online/in print), ODVA website
Tradition and heritage events
- The Division provides an ‘active offer of service’ in ceremonial support to families of veterans at funerals and celebration of life services. We are fortunate to be able to call upon the services of two chaplains for spiritual support.
- Each summer in Ottawa the RCMP hosts its ‘Sunset Ceremonies’ – Members of the Ottawa Division are integral to the citizen volunteers that make this event an annual success.
- Under the direction of the Division’s Sergeant-at-Arms, we provide a Veterans Contingent as part of Ottawa’s annual Remembrance Day Parade at the National War Memorial, and for the National Police Memorial Service on Parliament Hill.
- We are very proud of the fact that members of the Division are active in the leadership and mission of the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society through its Ottawa Chapter, dennistonsocietyottawa.org. The Society is a registered charity founded in 1988 in memory of a young RCMP officer who lost his life to Leukemia.
- The ladies of the Association host an annual steak barbeque in the early summer.
- An annual golf tournament is held in the fall to raise funds for the RCMP National Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood.
Sick and shut-in visits
Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings.
Law enforcement/community
- Remembrance Day and police/peace officer memorial services.
- Medal Ceremonies; assistance provided and participate as VIP Guests, Headquarters & National Divisions.
Association programs/services
Division advocacy; Updates on veteran issues and benefits, such as estate planning insurance, etc.
Special events
- Association members and families look forward to our annual Christmas and Valentines dinner dances.
- Ottawa Division hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association in 2014 and is scheduled to convene the 2023 AGM, celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Force.
- Education Award Program (sponsored by BELAIRdirect Insurance). Each year the Association provides six (6) $1000.00 education awards to dependents and grandchildren of RCMP employees and veterans in the National Capital Region to advance post-secondary studies on a full time basis.
- In recent years, the Division has hosted a spring and fall ‘Honours & Recognition Night’ which celebrates the accomplishments of the membership at large while providing an increasingly popular social venue for families and friends.
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