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September 29, 2024

Canadian Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Day ceremony in Ottawa

Canadian Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Day ceremony in Ottawa

All day
September 29, 2024

Once again we will meet on Parliament Hill to honour our fallen comrades, and to ensure that the magnitude of their sacrifice will never be forgotten. We will continue the focus of the Memorial on the unsung heroes, the surviving families of those brave men and women who died in the line of duty.

In 1998 the Canadian Government officially proclaimed the last Sunday of September of every year as Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day. On January 17, 2003 Canadian Heritage declared the last Sunday of September of every year as a nation wide flag half-masting on all federal buildings and establishments in Canada, including the Peace Tower, from sunrise to sunset in honour of our fallen officers. These official proclamations are a fitting sign of respect, not only to those gathered on the hill, but also for those who made the ultimate tragic sacrifice to keep our communities safe and our environment protected.

The Parade Orders can be viewed at www.thememorial.ca under the tab SERVICE. The parade will march rain or shine to Center Block for the 11:00 am start of the Memorial Service. Form up will remain at Wellington and Kent Streets in assigned columns.


History of the Memorial Service