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Events in October 2024

  • Division Executive Committee (DEC) Meeting

    Division Executive Committee (DEC) Meeting

    October 2, 2024

  • Save the date Regimental Ball 2024-Women in uniform in RCMP/Réservez la date Bal régimentaire 2024 - Les femmes en uniforme à la GRC

    Save the date Regimental Ball 2024-Women in uniform in RCMP/Réservez la date Bal régimentaire 2024 - Les femmes en uniforme à la GRC

    All day
    October 5, 2024

    Save the date Regimental Ball 2024-Women in uniform in RCMP/Réservez la date Bal régimentaire 2024 - Les femmes en uniforme à la GRC


    The Ottawa Area Officers’ Mess is proud to confirm that they will be hosting the 2024 RCMP Regimental Ball at the Delta Hotel (Ottawa City Centre), Oct 5, 2024.

    This year’s theme will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of women in policing in the RCMP. This important milestone will be celebrated in many ways across the Country and we are hopeful that it will serve as a signature event for the Force.

    More information will be posted as it becomes available.

    Le mess des officiers de la région d’Ottawa est fier de confirmer qu’il accueillera le bal régimentaire 2024 de la GRC à l’hôtel Delta (Centre-ville d’Ottawa), le 5 octobre 2024.

    Le thème de cette année sera de célébrer le 50e anniversaire des femmes dans les services de police de la GRC. Cette étape importante sera célébrée de nombreuses façons partout au pays et nous espérons qu’elle servira d’événement phare pour la Force.
    De plus amples renseignements seront affichés dès qu’ils seront disponibles.

    De plus amples renseignements seront affichés dès qu’ils seront disponibles.

    Réservez la date

  • NMC Pathway Opening

    NMC Pathway Opening

    October 9, 2024

    The RCMP NMC is meant to compliment the Regimental Cemetery at ‘Depot’ in Regina, SK and provides an option to all former and serving members in choosing their final resting place in a dignified sanctuary of peace exclusively dedicated to our police family.

    The legacy pathway of the RCMP NMC is modeled on the Northern Ireland Royal Ulster Constabulary St. George’s Garden of Remembrance which is a learning pathway that attests to the history of the RUC and a fitting memorial to the 308 Officers killed during the thirty years of the period commonly known as 'the Troubles'.

    The RCMP NMC pathway will reflect the Force’s storied history so that visitors and school classes will have an opportunity to learn and understand why there is national pride in the RCMP as an organization with proud international recognition.


  • Thanksgiving


    October 14, 2024

    • Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year. Thanksgiving Day in Canada is a time for family and food. Is Thanksgiving Day a Public Holiday? Thanksgiving Day is a national public holiday in Canada.

  • Kemptville (Leeds/Grenville) Breakfast

    Kemptville (Leeds/Grenville) Breakfast

    October 29, 2024

    "Attention all ODVA members living in Kemptville (Leeds/Grenville) area.  Commencing Tuesday,February 27, 2024 there will be an informal gathering for breakfast, all retirees are welcome.  The plan is for the breakfast to take  place on the last Tuesday of every month.”
    Location:      Hardstones Grill
    2727 County Road 43
    Kemptville, Ontario
    Time: 8 a.m.
    Please contact Luisa Russo-Lemay at russo-lemay@sympatico.ca or (647) 354-1235.
    Attention à tous les membres de l'ODVA vivant dans la région de Kemptville (Leeds/Grenville).  À compter du mardi 27 février 2024, il y aura une réunion informelle pour le petit déjeuner, tous les retraités sont les bienvenus.  Le petit-déjeuner aura lieu le dernier mardi de chaque mois.
    Lieu : Hardstones Grill
    2727, route de comté 43
    Kemptville, Ontario
    Heure : 8 heures
    Veuillez contacter Luisa Russo-Lemay à l'adresse russo-lemay@sympatico.ca ou au (647) 354-1235."